Friday, 16 April 2010

The world is suddenly full of sunshine and colour. I love daffodils this time of year, such a blast of sunshiny yellow. We've been to the park and happily sat on the bare grass and didn't get damp bottoms, and so I can say that spring is definitely in full swing. We have been giving our house a spring clean and I've been taking a few photos of colourful corners as we go along. Perhaps I'll post some more soon. I love colourful, cosy homes, I'm not a tasteful, beige, minimalist kind of girl at all. And I love seeing pics of other bloggers' homes online. Isn't it fun to peak into the homes of others?

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

I love colorful rooms too! I had my room painted orange and aqua green to have that warm and cozy feeling.

And I like looking at other people's homes too, you can tell their personalities through it!