Saturday, 12 April 2008

I love specs

I love Tatty Devine's jewelery and my current fancy is their glasses necklaces, particularly the Jarv Specs Necklace below which are HUGE. The size of actual glasses in fact. Jarv Specs Glasses £35

These are adorable too if you'd rather something a little more subtle.

Then there's these nerd-tastic 3-D specs.

And these bubblicous heart shape glasses.
Let's be honest, I want them all.
Love Anna X


Jillian Hobbs said...

haha oh man great finds! I LOVE the 3-D specs they're sooo cute!

thx for commenting my blog i'm glad you did yours is so interesting!

p.s. i LOVED Marie Antoinette!

WendyB said...

Love the hearts!

Anonymous said...

i think this calls for a DIY project; chariety shop glasses on a chain,yay!

Ella Gregory said...

I love the first pair and the last pair are so cute!

Vain and Vapid said...

They are very cute, reminds me a bit of the idea behind the monacle...